
Lunch Program

A hot lunch is available to the school children daily.  The parents are urged to have their children partake of this advantage.  Lunches cost $3.00 each and are purchased through the school office via the student’s homeroom teacher.  Each family is provided an application for free milk/meal and reduced-priced meals at the beginning of the school year.  These are confidential forms.  Families who qualify for either progam will be notified by the office. 

For the convenience and efficiency of all involved, billing statements will be sent home.  Please return payment with statements promptly.  Money for lunches should be sealed in an envelope with the student’s name, grade, and amount of money written on the outside and given to the homeroom teacher.  Checks should be made payable to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Lunch Program.

If students prefer to bring their lunch, they may do so.  Milk is sold for .35 cents in the cafeteria for students that bring their lunch.  Soda or other sugary drinks are not allowed in the cafeteria.  Only if a child is allergic to milk will he/she be permitted to drink water.  A note from his/her physician must be sent to the office as required by federal guidelines.

Note:  Our cafeteria does not serve peanut butter or nut products, nor are these products allowed at any time in the kitchen preparation area by other groups who use the kitchen.  Students who bring peanut butter or items with nuts in their packed lunch are required to sit at a designated “peanut table.”  They may bring a friend to sit with them, as long as that friend does not have a nut allergy.  Students who sit at this table are asked to wash their hands and face following their meal.

At no time are students allowed to share food in the cafeteria.  Students are required to recycle plastic and aluminum materials that they bring into the school or cafeteria.

    © Our Lady of Mount Carmel School  2023- 2024